Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know we've been MIA the past few months and I apologize, but things have been super busy and I know many of you are wondering what happened. I guess two kids and parents with full-time jobs and the crazy holiday season doesn't leave much time for blogging.
I promise to try and do a better job this year of keeping everyone updated on what is happening at the Hacker household. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, we certainly did. We have a lot to be thankful for as we start this new year. Travis and I both are employed, we still have a lot of friends that are looking for work and we know the stresses that unemployment bring firsthand. We have two beautiful and healthy children, which I don't take for granted by any means.
The kids are great and continue to amaze us with their talents, personalities and interests on a daily basis. Brock is busy as ever and questions EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. He is so curious, but I love this about him, but it definitely keeps us on our toes and we have to watch everything we say around him - because we get WHY? probably 100% a day.
Avery on the other hand has to be the most girly girly 19 month old I've ever seen. She is obsessed with shoes, clothes and jewerly - daddy watch out! She is a little mini-me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every minute of it.
So as we start 2010, we wish your family health and happiness in the new year and let's hope it brings better things as we start a new decade.
The Hackers
2 months ago
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