As most of you know this has been a tough week in our house and the one time I truly mean I can't wait for this week to be over. Brock started acting sluggish on Sunday afternoon after his soccer game and we thought maybe he was coming down with something. Later that night, he woke up with a raging fever and didn't sleep too well. Since he had a fever, he couldn't go to school so Travis and I spilt shifts that day to stay home with him.
Later Monday night he still wasn't looking so good and could barely talk and complained that his stomach hurt, throat hurt, etc. So we decided we should go to the CHOA urgent care and just make sure it wasn't strep or anything.
I had no idea what was in store for us when we left the house. We arrived at CHOA at Northpoint and there must have been 30 other families also there - and it was 7:15 at night. Knowing it was going to be a long night, Brock and I grabbed some books and headed to a corner. He was listless, tired and downright pathetic looking - my little guy who is so full of energy and laughter was not doing so well. Initially we saw the triage nurse who did the strep test, that was a fun one, let me tell you.
He got a popsicle for it and you know he isn't feeling well when he just let it melt. About two hours later we were called back and I remember the triage nurse mentioning left side something when they were listening to his lungs. The doctor said she thought she heard some fluid and we needed to get some chest x-rays, it was 9:30 at this point. So we headed into the big scary x-ray room and Brock was so brave, I couldn't have been more proud. He laid on the big, cold table and did everything the technician asked of him. After he got some cool Mickey skeleton stickers to match what we say on the x-ray.
When we were waiting patiently (understatment) for the doctor to come back Brock starting throwing up and here we go is all I could think.
After 4 hours at the urgent care place, Brock was diagnosed with the swine flu. Yep that flu virus that you've heard about since the spring that has caused mass chaos around the world. We headed home with one mission - get him fluids or we'd be headed to the ER.
Monday night was rough, he didn't sleep well and continually had to take in fluids so he didn't get dehydrated. Tuesday came and we decided it was best to get Avery out of the house and away from Brock so she didn't get it too. Although we had all been exposed no one else was showing symptons yet, thank god.
Tuesday was full of ups and downs, he'd get really bad and then start to get better once he had his motrin. Tuesday night came and it got worse, as it always does with little kids when they are sick. We had another sleepless night.
Wednesday he seemed like he was getting better and then the high fever set in againand the rapid shallow breathing. Taking the advice of my mom, I called the urgent care center back and they suggested we take him to the ER. Travis had gone to see Avery and spend some time with her and that was cut short since we were ordered to the ER.
Our first thought on the way there was God, please let our baby boy be ok and let us get in, checked out and go home. You always hear of going in for follow up testing and finding out that they have something so much worse than the original diagnosis. You've heard of all these kids dying from the swine flu and so we wanted to be extra cautious. Obviously the doctor who sent us there was correct as we were placed on the fast track and were in a patient room within about 30 minutes or so. They checked him for dehydration and signs of pheumonia and he checked out good on both. They said we should expect this up and down for the next few days and that the rapid breathing with the high fever is normal, although scary. After a few hours there, we again headed home.
Brock has been so sick and not eating much that he's wiped out. When he starts to cough really badly he gets physically ill and that is how we spent much of last night. Again, Brock and I took up post on the couch downstairs, where he'd moan and groan with pains and his raging fever and breathing that you'd expect from someone who just ran a marathon.
Today brough another day and again he spent the day on the couch reading books, playing with puzzles and watching TD as he calls it, but TV to the rest of us. I think he's watch more cartoons in the past four days than in the past three years of his life. The fever went up - AGAIN and finally around 5:30 we broke it and haven't had it come back yet. The coughing is still there and I can hear him upstairs now.
You'd think I'd know to go to bed to try and get some rest myself, but instead I find myself here writing about this week's experience.
Here's hoping tomorrow brings some peace for our little guy and if we can keep him fever free without medicine for 24 hours - Avery can finally come home. We're so lucky to have family close by to help in times like this. Brock is really lucky to have so many people, family and friends that love him and care so much about him. Everyone has called several times from all over to check in on him.
This flu virus is nothing to take lightly and is far more difficult than I imagined. Please take it seriously and take the necessary precautions as we enter the winter and stay heathly.
2 months ago
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