What to do? Do we make the big move and get Avery a big girl bed for her birthday in three weeks? I mean after all, her brother was in a big boy bed at 17 months so we could transition him out of the crib so she had something to sleep in. Here's what I am debating.
1. She has no issues with her crib and sleeps great in it.
2. She doesn't try to climb out.
3.Are we ready for her to be able to come into our room if she wakes up in the middle of the night? We all know how well that has worked with Brock.
4. She's going to be TWO though, how long does she need to stay in the crib?
5. Am I really ready to get rid of a crib, I feel like that means I'm saying no MORE kids for good.
What do we do? I guess we still have a week or two to decide and honestly, I'm torn...
2 months ago
Ha! We're having a similar debate! We have no reason to move Eliza Grace to a big girl bed, so we've decided to not mess with what is working! And I think I would be really sad for her to not be in her crib anymore. Another big debate is vacation this summer. To rent a crib or just try the bed and hope for the best?? Do tell what you decide!