Thursday, July 29, 2010


So we've learned in the past few weeks that both Brock and Avery are good candidates for surgical removal of their adenoids (tissue found behind the nose) as well as tossils for Brock. The ENT told us that Avery has a 70% obstruction in her breathing through nose. This is no surprise to me because she's always been a big mouth breather as well as a snorter. The issue now is that I want to have the surgery done, but Travis doesn't. I feel very confident in the pediatric ENT who told us that she would never recommend a surgery if she did not feel that it would improve their quality of live.

Luckily or not, after Brock's appt. with Dr. White at Atlanta Children's ENT, he would benefit more from the surgery now since he is starting school and is older. For the time being, we are going to hold off on Avery's surgery until Jan or so or until I can convince Travis it is a good decision.

Brock is now schedule to have a Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy on September 23. We tried really hard to have it done in the next two weeks before his birthday, the start of school and Jeff's wedding, but it isn't going to work out given the restriction post-opt.

I don't think Brock understands what is going to happen, which is a good thing, but I do. And, now that I have a 7 weeks till surgery, I can think, second-guess, etc. our decision. However, I feel confident that this is the right decision for him because I do not want him to go through being constantly sick like I was all throughout school because of his MASSIVE tossils that he inherited from me, my brother and my mom (both my mom and I had them taken out, but much later in life). I didn't get my out till I was 18 right before college and it sucked!

Stayed tuned for more details.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dare I say no more diapers?

So not only did Travis and I have an amazing time in San Diego, but we came back to our daughter who's decided on her own - she wants to use the potty at all times. So....dare I saw we are finally DONE WITH DIAPERS?

Could it really be true? I would be the happiest person on earth if this is the case. She's done an excellent job everywhere but school the past two weeks. It turns out at school, our little princess is not fond of the toliets, really? Isn't it suppose to be the reverse?

Stay tuned for the official annoucement as we are SO CLOSE.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday

We're in sunny San Diego on a surprise birthday getaway weekend celebrating Travis 30th Birthday. No kids and just the two of us, can I tell you how excited I am? We'll be sure to post photos when we get back.

Happy Birthday honey, we love you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Random Summer Carnival

We met up with the aunts and uncles and some friends Saturday night for a parking lot carnival near the Heil's house and had a great time. Brock loved all the rides and Avery - not so much. It was hot, but a nice Saturday evening with family and friends.